I need your help!

Ask me any question that you want answered

I’ve been sharing insights weekly and would like to help you solve your biggest issue.

Maybe you're having a serious problem with:

  • Migrating your list to a new ESP

  • Domain reputation

  • Open and click rates

  • Setting up automations

  • Generating revenue

  • Growing your list

  • Coding your email

Whatever your issue may be, let me help you, and in turn help others who may have a similar issue with their email list.

Please reply with your biggest issue and I will put together a future insight showing you and others how it can be solved.

Be as detailed as possible so I can be sure to provide the necessary strategy to help you fix it.

I’ve provided many insights over the last few months on solving some of the biggest email issues.

Here are some of my favorites:

Please help me help you!

Let’s fix your biggest issue,
Chris Miquel
Co-Founder of SoVi Digital

Follow me on Twitter: @miqchris

and on LinkedIn: chrismiquel


or to participate.